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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tiny superstars, PAPA O, and style to watch out for.......

Sup blog readers? This has been a great week. Things with the documentary are really starting to take shape. PLEASE check out the documentary blog at if you want to keep up with what's going on. Bridget and I appreciate your support.

Things with my comedy are going pretty well. I have a big show next Friday in West Hollywood, one at The Westside Bar in Grill in Costa Mesa on Wednesday, and I will be at both The Comedy Store and The Imrov next month. I'll keep you all posted with tix, showtimes, locations, etc....

I'm gonna switch gears for a minute. My dearest friend Suzie and her amazing family, who I love very much need any and all higher power shout outs that you can give. Papa O is sick and we all need to send him good energy and love. He is such an amazing man and I want him to get well soon. Let me just tell you a little bit about him. Papa O is retired, but was a Psychiatrist in the prison system for many years. He is a tiny Turkish man who has a genuine love for hardcore gangsta rap, dirty jokes, and large women. Papa O collects pictures of sheep, enjoys playing angry birds, and can tell stories in a way that makes magic seem real. He is a very giving man who accepts people for who they are. I once had a small party and Papa O showed up. It was him and 10 lesbians.......we went bowling and it was one of the greatest nights of my life. I love you Papa O.

Ok--Myriam FINALLY got her allergy tests done and the results are in. She will be having nose surgery and beginning immunotherapy very soon. She is such a trooper. Hopefully, in a months time--she will be all better and can proceed with life. Myriam will be reading here in Long Beach on Friday, April 6th at the Art Theater. This is a must see performance. Oh--and Dorothy Allison and Michelle Tea will be there too. It'll be an epic evening. The coolest thing about it though is that I get to cook dinner for all of them before the show. Yes, it's true and I seriously could not be more excited.

Ghettopolitan purchase of the day: Wetzel  dog and a naked juice.

Ok--that's it for today. Myriam just turned on Top Model and I have to leave the room. I cannot add one more thing to my life and I can easily get hooked on Top Model. BTW--I did hire a stylist so I'll be rockin some sweet new styles soon. Think Blaine from Glee meets gangsta rap meets (clearing throat and a bit disgusted) an indie rock hipster.

Thanks for reading. PLEASE check out tinysuperstars and send some love. Peace out. TJ

1 comment:

  1. Just bookmarked your documentary blog . . . I gotta keep up! Can't wait to learn more.

    OMG! OMG! I want to come to the April 6 reading. Dorothy Allison is one of my heroes. How do I get tickets?
