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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

San Diego, Coftea, cyberbully, new clothes, and classes

Hey everyone. I have been trying to blog all week, but I've been so busy....time just got away from me. Just an FYI.....everything is going well.  I am happier than I've been in months. Myriam and I are doing great.....this whole mid life crisis thing has brought us closer together and for that I am truly grateful. After my vacation from sanity last semester---I just wanted my old life back. Well, I got it and because of lessons learned I am able to appreciate it much more. I'm actually now a stronger and better person and my energies are going to positive things and people. Just wanted to give you all an update cuz I know you've all been rooting for me.

Ok......a lot has been going on. Myriam and I just returned from a little getaway. We spent the weekend in San Diego and it was awesome. We went to the zoo, to some of our favorite restaurants, to the outlet stores, and to Tijuana. It was a weekend of reconnecting and it could not have gone better. Myriam is amazing and I am so glad for her patience and support. We are rebuilding and it's pretty cool. Honesty is always the best policy. It may not always be the easiest but it is always the best. The easiest things usually don't end up  being the best....just so ya know.

So, San Diego was fun. My favorite animals at the zoo were the Galapagos Island Tortoises. I seriously did not know that tortoises could get so big. We watched them for like an hour. Some of them were nearly 500 pounds and a few of them were over 100 years old. They looked happy for the most part but I think a little lotion may be necessary to secure full happiness. We were going to feed the giraffes but the line was taking forever so we decided to skip it. Maybe we will do that next time. The weather was great. It was supposed to rain but I'm glad it didn't.

We had linner (lunch/dinner) at DZ Aikens which is one of my favorite places to eat. We had soup, latkes, Caesar salads, corned beef sandwiches, and decaf coffee. They make homemade ding dongs there and they are worth the 100 mile drive.....let me tell you.

So we went to the outlet malls and I believe that we found the sale of the century. It was so awesome--I got like 9 new pairs of pant, 20+ new shirts, and some fancy new socks. Myriam also got new pants and sweaters. Normally I am not a huge fan of shopping but these sales made it super fun--and the fact that I am now a size small and a size 29 made it even better:)

So.....I am a fan of coffee and tea. Sometimes I cannot decide which one to drink in the morning. Well, lately I've been thinking that a combination of the two may be interesting. I tried it last week and it was delicious. I am sure that true coffee or true tea fans would be appalled at the thought of the two drinks together--but it really is something worth trying. Basically, you take a nice cup of hot coffee and add a tea sachet of your choice. The beans and flowers together create a wonderful aroma and I find the taste to be bold yet balanced. Some friends tried it with me and 3/4 loved it. Myriam was the only dissenter. She said that there was too much going on and too many flavors competing. I can see her point, but I loved the competing smells and flavors. It was an adventure. The combinations are endless--so you should all give it a whirl. I've decided to call the drink coftea--I know that it not very original but it's what I came up with.

I would like a DJ name. Any suggestions would be appreciated. It has to be cool though.

I have a cyber bully. It's all good though--it's just weird. It's just an overpowering arrogant controlling person that apparently needs to feel better about himself and his relationship so he decided to email and threaten me. It's actually sad. He has no idea what he is talking about and that's all I'll say about it. Oh.....but I will add that people should not hide behind others or make them do your dirty's cowardly. Oh and I will add that I do not deserve to be treated that way. I deserve much better--so there ya go.

One of my students is 4ft 10 1/2 inches. She's on the basketball team which I think is really cool--and she's really really good. I asked her the other day why she feels the need to add the half inch when she tells her height and her response was "because if you are 4ft 10in or shorter then you are a legal midget and I want to make sure that people know that I am not a midget." I love her insight.

 I have signed up for Tai Chi classes and for African drumming classes. They start in two weeks and I'm super excited.

I am sad that Borders is going out of business. These damn ebooks have taken over.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading. I'd love to get 10,000 hits before March 1 so I'll post a few more times this week.


  1. Good to know life is going well :)
    I love coffee and tea ^_^
    What kinda of tea do you mix with the coffee?

    If the Tai Chi (I love Tai Chi too!) classes turn out well, perhaps you can have a one on one showdown between this cyber bully!

  2. I can't wait to try your Coftea concoction tomorrow!

    Also, DJ-TJ...I know lame, but it rolls right off the tongue ;)
