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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The good, the bad, and the ugly. Oh--and the weird

Today's blog is dedicated to T.C. All I will say about TC is that she is a brave person. She has sacrificed a lot to get where she is--and is beginning a pretty intense journey. Don't worry peeps--her journey is leading to amazing things. Godspeed T.C.

Ok so today was quite the day. It's only 6 and I am ready for bed. But before I get into my day I need to revisit yesterday's post. My mother sent me an email because apparantly I forgot to add the shredded cheese to the lettuce salad recipe. Oops. Midwestern salads include: iceberg lettuce, croutons, ranch dressing, and shredded cheese. Thanks mom for keeping me on top of the salad recipes. I also received a comment from my cousin Jackie. She alerted me to the fact that I forgot to tell you all to cook the ground beef before adding the soup and tater tots. Hopefully no disasters incured due to my errors.

Happy Birthday to:
My papa. My dad is 57.
My friend Animal. Animal's age is not allowed to be posted:)

Ok so my day--At about 7:30 this morning, I witnessed a nasty traffic accident. Thankfully everyone will be ok--it was just not a pretty thing to see. Motorcycle + Car making bad lane change= YIKES. I got out of the car to check on the motorcycle driver. I said are you ok. He said F*&# no--my leg is broken so I called 911 and of course I was put on hold. I looked his leg and it was indeed broken.I am so glad that I did not pass out--that would not have been helpful at all.  At least the bike driver was able to sit up and was coherent. That made things a little less scary. Ok then the man that hit him drove from the car pool lane to the right shoulder then tried to run back across the 5 lane freeway to check on his victim. He was nearly hit by like 3 cars.                   
Then I directed traffic until the police and ambulance arrived on the scene. That is a helluva way to start a day. At least I wasn't in the accident.

I gave an exam today so that was pretty chill. Then I went to breakfast. Watsons drug and soda fountain in Orange is one of my favorite diners in all the land. I had the $3.99 special which consisted of: two triangles of french toast, two strips of bacon, and one egg. It was wonderful. Then I went and got a massage. Just saw a commercial for the McRib. I really want one before they disappear. Interpersonal comm class was great. I really heart my students. One student brought me a cookie that he made. He is a vegan--and a smoker which is odd but not the point. He made me a vegan choc chip cookie and it was really yummy. Thanks Kyle. Oh and my student Johnny has a job interview tonight. Send good thoughts his way. He's a good kid and the company would be lucky to have him as an employee.

Had an appointment this afternoon to discuss my spine--got some work to do on that. Today I wore a hat and belts with weights in them and got on some vibrating machine. I looked like an idiot but it was kind of cool. Then I got my neck stretched a little--got to wear another weird hat for that one.

That's it folks--I got nothin else today. Time for a bath, some tea, and bed. Oh and Hell's Kitchen comes back tonight. Yay. I'm loving the comments. Keep em coming. TJ


  1. Vegan smoker ... hmmmmm, kind of representative of that odd combination of healthy and self distructive behaviors that a lot of us combine.

  2. about a year and a half ago i was a vegan smoker for approximately 4 months. it made no sense. i gave up smoking and started eating animals and haven't looked back

  3. I went ot a chiropractors office and they did some xrays on my back. They wanted me to do this long term therapy to "correct" my back. They gave me a ton of equipment like a helmet with weights in it and i had to go in 4 days a week ...Long story short i think it was a scam and i just said screw it. I feel fine i dont even think anythings wrong with my back!! but i hope your back gets better!

  4. i love watson's, it's an amazing place. have you ever been to the Blue Frog cafe also by the Orange Circle?
