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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Waffle Sandwiches and facebook finds

Ok-today's blog post is dedicated to Megan Day. Megan is actually a student of mine. She is really nerdy and I like that. Megan always sits in the front row, has an eagerness that is infectious, and is wicked smart. Oh and another thing--she looks exactly like Julia Stiles. I mean exactly. She will not share books with people because she thinks that once she reads the words--they are hers to keep. Weird. She aspires to be a writer. She'll succeed.

So--today has been very interesting. My hours got cut at OCC for spring. I think that losing classes just reinforces my decision to pursue a new career. BRUXIE just opened in Orange. Um--what BRUXIE is is delicious waffle sandwiches. They have sweet and savory. I recommend the buttermilk fried chicken or the PB&J. See-instead of bread--it's fresh waffles. FRESH WAFFLES. I know--it is very exciting.

About 13 years ago I met a women in San Francisco. We met at a club, had a fling, and moved on. She found me on facebook. I've often wondered what happened to her so it was really cool to get her message. I really do like facebook. I think it's so cool to reconnect with people.

Ok so the comedy stuff is going pretty well. Winning the competition finals in a few weeks would be an awesome way to get things moving faster. If anyone knows of any comedy clubs or ways that I can get some stage time--please let me know.

This morning in one of my classes we were discussing food and culture. When they asked me about the foods that I grew up with I told them about casseroles. Everyone pretended to be disgusted but secretly they all wanted one. My favorite casserole is tater-tot. It's like a white trash version of shepherd's pie. Here is the recipe:
1 lb ground beef
1 can cream of mushroom soup (the Iowa state spice)
1 bag of tater tots
Some people add corn or peas or green beans. Never add lima beans--that's nasty,

Mix cooked ground beef, corn or peas, and soup. Put tater tots on top. Bake until tater tots are brown and crispy. That's it. Some people like to add cheese but I think that is overkill. Enjoy this dish with a nice iceberg lettuce salad with ranch dressing and croutons and you have a true Midwestern feast. It's delicious.

Ok so it's 4:00 and I am already tired. have to teach tonight til 10. I'll post more later. Love to you all. SEND COMMENTS PEOPLE. I won't keep writing unless I know peeps are reading:)


  1. TJ- you're an awesome teacher, and it'd be a shame not to have you in a classroom...

    ... BUT you're also wonderful in a kitchen, so I understand your desire to pursue that as well.

    As far as comedy:

    Message Jason Dudey about participating in Come Out Laughing... a monthly LGBT stand up show that happens at the LB Laugh Factory!/jasondudey

    OR come out and test out your material at AMP's open mics at Dipiazza's... the next one is in Jan.

    Hope all is well!

  2. You forgot the shredded cheese on the iceberg salad. :)

  3. TJ you're the greatest, it makes it easy to be eager. I've never felt sp safe in a class room, OCC will definitely miss you! Thanks for the sweet dedication. I love that you noticed my nerdiness... I've recently started to embrace it :) See you tomorrow!

  4. I never made a casserole before, or tried a really good one. It's too white for me haha. But I will try your recipe.
    I swear I always thought I fit in to America's culture until our class talks about white people stuff, then I feel super Asian like I'm missing out on the secret life everyone has grown up with, like casseroles.

  5. Make sure you cook the ground beef FIRST. Otherwise... disaster.

  6. You're awesome TJ! Keep writing! Lots of love! :D

  7. Megan sounds amazing!!! I agree with her, you make the classroom very safe. Please keep writing, I read everyday. I got to read it this morning while drinking coffee and eating..... you guessed it Cheerios. :)

  8. Growing up as a Mexican, I never ate casseroles. Now, I find them sexy and exotic.

  9. I always loved your mom's broccoli rice casserole and her Texas Baked Beans growing up. Wish you were closer - we would love to come see your comedy shows!!

    Love you!! Lori Mulder

  10. I'm reading! I'm reading!
    hahaha.....i dont know about the tater-tot casserole (only b.c has meat in there and a few other wierd things haha jk!) but this made me hungry and i want to go get some tater tots now WITH ketchup.

  11. I WANT A BLOG!
