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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The last few days and I'm too tired to finish

Thank you for checking in to Ghettopolitan. I appreciate the love!

The last few days have been off the hook. Here is what's up:

1. Had a show tonight. It was awesome. Small crowd + big laughs= success.
2. B returned from Coachella and rocked it on For those of you who do not know--I am in a documentary and Bridget is the filmmaker. You should totally follow that blog.
3. Our kickstarter page is up AND we made 21% of our total goal in 1 frickin day. That's right y'all.
4. GLEE was on. I haven't seen it because I just got home. Tomorrow morning I plan on eating a huge bowl of lucky charms/captain crunch (yes, together) and watching it. Cannot wait.
5. My Irvine Improv show is 6 days away and my guest list is at 245 people--which is half of the whole frickin venue. CHECK IT!!
6. Myriam watched Mean Girls like 8 times this week. She was also a guest blogger on tinysuperstars and she was brilliant.
7. I was both admonished and punished by my student Dominic for eating fast food.
8. I had to call 911 and was put on hold--e'erthing is ok though--no worries.

OMG--I just realized that I am so tired. I seriously cannot come up with one more thing to say. Here are a few links to check out. ANY support for the film is awesome. I know that money is tight right now--hell, I don't have any which is why we need to raise it. Do NOT worry if you cannot contribute financially to our project. If you can--that is awesome. We DO need to reach our goal, but if you cannot--there are a million other things you can do. Follow the link below to email Ellen and tell her all about how awesome I am, vote for New Hartford to receive funding for an orchard, email to say hi, watch the kickstarter video AND post it to your own fb page. Here are the links with an excerpt from Bridget's latest post

A LOT of you have been asking how you can help TJ.  Here are two links you should check out:

How perfect is TJ for the Ellen show?  We think so, too.  So let's start writing some emails and get her on the show!  This link takes you right to the form.  Easy peasy.

As some of you know, TJ is from New Hartford, Iowa, which was devastated by an F5 tornado in 2008.  We will be going back to New Hartford as part of the documentary.  Follow this link below to vote for New Hartford FEMA Lot Restoration Committee.  Edy's will plant an orchard in the winning city and New Hartford is already in SECOND place.  Let's make this happen for them!

HERE is the kickstarter link:

I will post more tomorrow evening. Full day coming up with meetings, teaching, and a trip to SKY HIGH for trampoline fun. Have a great night. Thanks for reading. TJ

1 comment:

  1. Last night's show must've been off the hook! Can't wait to catch one!

    A cereal medley and Glee-sounds like a fun happy morning! How do you eat such yum, fun food and stay so fit!?

    Hahahahaha! Myriam Rare! Mean Girls is hysterical!

    TJ! This blog leaves me hungry for more!
