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Friday, August 10, 2012

Let's catch up--shall we

Hey Ghettopolitan readers. I've been away from this blog for a ridiculous amount of time. There are several reasons for this. As you all know--I've been working on a comedy career as well as a documentary. Bridget (the filmmaker) and I started a blog when we decided to make the film so I've pretty much just been posting on that one. I will continue to post on that blog, but would really like to get back to my own because I have missed it very very much. I guess what I will do with this post is get you caught up. I like to do shit in list form because if I don't--everything just seems to sound like one long convoluted mess of a thought. So....without further are some highlights of what has happened since my last post on April 18th, 2012........

1. I'm still making a documentary. Let me rephrase that. I am still co-producing and appearing in an autobiographical documentary. Bridget Najour is the one who is actually making said film. To follow our adventures and misadventures--check out

2. I decided to leave teaching so that I could pursue a career as a full time comic.

3. I decided that I could not leave teaching. I love it so much. The semester starts in two weeks. I'm still doing comedy though. Basically, I'm doing both.

4. Myriam turned 35. We celebrated her birthday at Descano Gardens. It was wonderful.

5. I turned 41.

6. My cousin Blaine and his husband, Jeremy came to Cali and stayed with me for a week. It was AMAZING and I cannot wait until they return.

7. I got to meet my very favorite character from GLEE!!

8. I won the best of OC all stars comedy competition.

9. Myriam lost both of her grandparents.

10. I performed about 50 shows.

11. Myriam KILLED it at the LA Library Storytelling series.

12. Myriam got laid off from her teaching job. Here she is on her last day of school--grading done--

13. I had a short documentary made about me. The focus of the film was on how awesome I am and my love for GLEE!

Short doc done by Chapman students

14. I went to Iowa and performed for hundreds of people. It was pretty amazing.

15. While in Iowa--we had a steller vacation with friends and family. Here is one pic, but click here to read about my Iowa vacation and see lots of pics. blogpost about IOWA

16. We went to Santa Maria to visit family and friends.

17. Life got easy.

18. Life got hard.

19. I got a banjolele and started taking lessons.

20. Myriam had sinus surgery--aka--an inside of the nose job.

21. I kicked it with some friends

22. And I learned a lot along the way.

That is all. I think everyone is caught up now. Thanks for reading. Look for a new post tomorrow. Cheers! TJ


  1. Adriana Hotsi TotsiAugust 10, 2012 at 9:22 PM

    You lift my spirits and inspire me to do great things, TJ 'lil corn chip' Hubergurba! <3

  2. Beautifully and succinctly told!

  3. I loved reading this post!! :) Thank you for being you.
